A story that relates to people is something that every filmmaker is looking for. I am always trying to challenge myself and take that next step. CJ Laros is an adventurer and truly shares this mindset. Taking that next step that leads you to a place no one ever predicted. I’m truly blessed to share these kinds of stories with everyone because it inspires me every day.

Photo: Denni van Huis
Discovering something completely new is rare these days. You can discover new places in many ways, sure. But, this story is about CJ Laros, someone who is eager to take it to the next level. It is a story about pushing. Pushing to reach new places you never could have predicted.

Photo: Denni van Huis
When do you turn around? When your fingers are frozen? When you lose your grip and fall down a cliff? People often interpret the search for new places as if it’s a death wish. I think it is just a sign of life. When everything goes wrong you know that nature is in control of everything around us. It is the unknown. And when you finally arrive at the spot you marked there is always that next step to take.
This is an exclusive look at the process behind the adventurer CJ Laros, pushing to the unknown searching for something new.

Photo: Denni van Huis
Check out more of Jasper’s work on Vimeo and follow him on Instagram.