Of all the health-related advice and clichés you heard when you were a kid, there’s one I bet we can all still remember: an apple a day keeps the doctor away. But while your parents were trumpeting the benefits of eating the whole fruit, I’m guessing they had little or nothing to say about one of its derivatives that has plenty of wellness-promoting benefits of its own: apple cider vinegar (ACV).
Yeah, we know it tastes terrible and that not all of the cure-all claims have been verified, but below are a few legit reasons why you should take a couple of swigs of the sharp stuff every day. To make sure you’re getting the full benefits, buy the organic, unfiltered, unprocessed kind, like Bragg’s. One word of caution: don’t drink it neat. Instead put one to two tablespoons in at least 12 ounces water. If you want to make this cloudy concoction hydrate you more effectively, add a pinch of sea salt, too. Some people have gum/tooth irritation after drinking ACV, so if that’s you, just use a straw.
It Helps Ward Off Infections
A 2014 study demonstrated that one of the active ingredients in vinegar, acetic acid, is a potent antibacterial agent (this also contributes to the strong smell and taste). So if you feel a sore throat coming on, reach for that trusty bottle of apple cider vinegar and gargle with it (again, be sure to dilute in water so you don’t get too much burn). Add in raw honey and cayenne pepper to help clear mucus if you get a respiratory infection. Or drink it daily to help make sure you don’t get to that point.
It Helps Boost Heart Health
According to a 2014 article in The Journal of Food Science, apple cider vinegar can improve heart health in a number of ways. One of its polyphenols, chlorogenic acid, inhibits oxidation of the LDL cholesterol that can clog arteries. The acetic acid that we mentioned a moment ago can also help reduce blood pressure. In addition, vinegar reduces blood levels of harmful triglycerides.
It Sorts out Acid Reflux
One of the reasons people get acid reflux is because there’s not enough stomach acid – something big pharmaceutical treatments can actually exacerbate. In contrast, the acidity in apple cider vinegar enhances your digestive system’s ability to digest food without setting off the acid volcano. Some people swear by drinking ACV before meals, while others get better effects after eating. Experiment to see what works best for you.
It Keeps Blood Sugar in Check
Another way that apple cider vinegar aids digestion is by reducing the glycemic spike that comes from eating carbs (no, that’s not encouragement to make a run to the donut shop!). Drinking before eating might also benefit those with diabetes or other insulin sensitivity issues. Arizona State University research scientists Cindy Gaas and Carol Johnston discovered that insulin sensitivity improved by 19 percent in people with type 2 diabetes and 34 percent with pre-diabetes conditions.