The Inertia for Good Editor

May 2, 2023: still snowing. That was the simple social media update from one of Lake Tahoe, California’s local resorts, Palisades Tahoe, just over three weeks from Memorial Day and the unofficial start to summer in the United States. The historic winter in the Sierras has been heavily covered by the media – we’re all fairly certain California’s deep snowpack will be around a lot later than usual this year. Fresh snow in May, however, is pretty unique on its own. And that’s what happened this week in Northern California. More snow.

The good news for some is that there’s still plenty of time to ski well into summer, as resorts like Palisades and Mammoth Mountain have said they’ll stay open through at least July 4th.

On the flip side that’s meant some of the typical fair-weather activities in the region will be on hold, most notably, area camping grounds won’t be open in time for the summer season to kick off. According to the California Department of Parks and Recreation, there’s still enough snow on the ground that park staff members can’t start cleaning and preparing the campgrounds for the usual flow of reservations. Seeing that it was still snowing in the area as that news was announced might just add to the department’s current timeline? Browsing the list of Tahoe campgrounds, the closures are set to last until at least mid-June with Donner Memorial State Park on a “keep your fingers crossed but don’t count on it,” Memorial Day weekend timeline.

“Many state parks still have 3-6 feet of snow throughout campgrounds and day-use areas,” the department wrote in a statement. “While temperatures in the forecast should assist the snow in melting, park staff still do not have the access they normally have at this time of year to begin cleaning the facility, repairing damage, and charging water systems. As a result, the opening of campgrounds Emerald Bay State Park, Ed Z’berg Sugar Pine Point State Park, Grover Hot Springs State Park, Plumas-Eureka State Park, and Tahoe State Recreation Area will be delayed for Memorial Day weekend. Donner Memorial State Park may be delayed in opening; staff will reassess in the coming weeks.”

So those who had reservations and were hoping to kick off summer with a weekend of camping are likely out of luck in Tahoe. On the bright side, you can always go ride instead.

Photo: California Department of Parks and Recreation


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