For any of you who’ve shoveled snow off roofs, you know what a perilous act it can be. Especially on metal or tin roofs (we’re talking to you people in Mammoth and Jackson Hole and Tahoe, where it’s getting super deeeep). Metal is slick as ice and even more so with any sort of condensation.
Now, there’s a rumor out there this video might have been faked (and we’re investigating), but regardless, it’s a good lesson. This guy decided it was a good idea to not harness himself in from three stories up on a slanted, metal roof. Unfortunately (and this is where the video gets a little suspect), the camera person misses the fall but maybe that’s a good thing. Somehow, the man walks away from a plunge that could have killed any normal, unlucky human. Strap in when you’re on the roof, people.