Distributor of Ideas

For dads who’ve spent their lives shredding, the thirst for good lines and happy times never ends. That’s why most of us work so hard to pass off the love of a good session to our kids. The evidence is everywhere. But here are a few of favorites from across social media.

Ken Block is well known in the snow world thanks to the DC Mountain Lab, and yeah, being a co-founder of DC Shoes. And having fun. Especially with his kids. Check out this cut from Baldface Lodge:

Nicolas Falquet is a radical skier. Some of his lines have been viral sensations, including one that was thought to be the Matterhorn (it wasn’t). Still, Falquet known how to pass on powder to people. This is his son, getting his first face shots:

Josh Dirksen is a certifiable legend (he’s currently in Norway getting surf and snow). But he also knows how to take care of his little one. Here he is taking a lap on his Dirksen Dirby course, child in tow:

The music is marginal but this is one of the cutest vids ever. And Steve Klassen stirred up some serious viral s*** on the internet with some of the fake stunts he pulled. We loved it. Read about it, here:

Here’s what can happen when you finally let the kiddos go. Remember, if you french fry when you should’ve pizza’d, you’re gonna have a bad time:

And sometimes, it pays to remember that kids just want to watch cartoons in the morning:


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