Whether you find pleasure in the mountains, oceans, crags, or all of the above, each of us is an adrenaline junky – every last one of us. And if you think back to the first time as a child your brain got its first sweet, sweet hit of adrenaline, chances are good a sizeable contingent received that hit while putting the pedal to the metal in a Fisher-Price Power Wheels vehicle.
Maybe for posterity sake, or likely because an adrenaline junky’s need for speed only increases with age, the folks at Grind Hard Plumbing Co., a Canada-based chop-shop known for making wacky motorized toys, put together this little number: a souped up 50 horsepower Barbie Jeep off-road go-kart. “And she rips,” the crew explains in the video description.
“This is turning out to be one of those when mechanics lose their minds on insane engine swap type builds. Can we really even call it a go-kart any more? Or is it more of a front-engined four-wheeler? Maybe a custom tube frame off-roader,” they explain.
Nicely done, guys. Can’t see what you pull off next.
Check out Grind Hard Plumbing Co.’s YouTube channel for a full video breakdown of the mod.