Photo: Blotto

Back in 2007, Dave Downing organized a photo shoot mission to Japan for the Analog team in hopes of securing that season’s advertisements with Trevor Andrew, JP Solberg, Mikkel Bang, Heikki Sorsa, and Danny Davis. A portion of the crew started out at the Toyota Big Air to see Kevin Pearce take a much-deserved victory along with a Trouble Andrew performance in Sapporo. Once the rest of the crew arrived in Japan, we all met in Tokyo for a private Trouble show at the Burton Factory Store, which hosted fifty or so participants who entered a contest to see Trevor play live… pretty cool!
After Tokyo, we took off back to Hokkaido to start a week’s worth of cruising resorts and backcountry, mixed in with quality night riding shooting the ten advertisements we set out to get. Talk about a good time rolling around with JP, Mikkel, Heikki, Danny and Downing as our go-to team manager! Although the conditions on the North Island weren’t all-time, we still managed some fun snowboarding, found a few powder stashes and had plenty of party laughs. Here is our photo mission in video format.
And here are the rest of the ads.

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto

Photo: Blotto
For more from Blotto, check out his site and see what he is offering up on 500px.com. And be sure to follow him on Instagram and Like him on Facebook.