The Inertia Mountain Contributing Editor

The Inertia

Snowboarding is a in a weird place right now, the business side of things is ass up, the snow is either all time or not at all, and everyone is making surfboard inspired snowboards. However, even with all of the ups and downs of a fluctuating industry the core of snowboarding remains. Simply put, as long as you have some buddies, a few boards, and some tranny to pump you’re going to have a damn good time sliding sideways.

Lib Tech Snowboards has always embodied these ethos and with a team of disheveled miscreants both at the helm and on the board, you can always count on any of their misadventures being epic.

The Holy Bowly has become something of a shred fest anti-contest, and also one of the most anticipated events of the season. For good reason, too, as party slashing on skate inspired terrain with legendary snowboarders is a dream come true for both the established elite and dirtbag dreamers.

This year Mammoth played host and Jesse Burtner and team loaded up a High Cascade Snowboard Camp van with foul smelling rippers and skated their way from the Pacific Northwest to the Sierra’s for a taste of the truly divine. Luckily Jesse is as good with the camera as he is with the snow stick and he put his Think Thank stylings to this truly radical edit.

Watch and enjoy, then shred and destroy. And make sure you hitchhike, bike, or skate your way to next year’s session!


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