YouTube seems to be rife with style and technique tips for surfing. On the snowboarding side, not so much. If you haven’t heard of him, meet Tommie Bennett, who’s “Spreading The Nerd & Love For Snowboarding,” according to his Instagram page. Last winter, Tommie put together this sick little video with five style and technique hints to help you perfect your turns. As Tommie says in the front of the vid, the turn is the basic technique that leads to everything else from powder to rails to jumping. You need your turn as a building block.
“The harsh truth is most people think their turns are awesome but they could be way MORE awesome,” he wrote on his YouTube page, which is loaded with more technique vids. This one’s definitely worth the watch. Our favorite tip? Bend at the knees to lower your center of gravity, not at the waist – an important technique adjustment in all board sports from surfing, to skateboarding, to snow.