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Screenshot: CoopSveridge

Screenshot: CoopSverige

The Inertia

Whether it is Kelly Slater or Jamie Anderson — or one of their countless likeminded contemporaries — there are many high-profile athletes in surf and snowboard and the like that will eagerly attest to the Organic Effect. But coming from even them, it is just words. Slightly more influential words, but words nonetheless.

This, however, isn’t “just words.” This is an actual experiment involving everyday people like you and us.

Insecticides, fungicides, and plant growth regulators. Yep, those are only a few of the wonderful things that the Swedish Environmental Research Institute IVL found in this unsuspecting test family. But after switching out the “conventional foods” in the cupboards and refrigerators for organic products, nearly ALL of these pesticides were gone.

Sure, the immediate effect might not be noticeable, but as the scientists and researchers articulate: the concern isn’t necessarily the relatively manageable immediate effect; instead, the concern is the unknown long-term effect.

Read the entire report on Coop Sverige.


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