Photo: Healingthebody.ca

Modern life has plenty of advantages that people 100 years ago could never have dreamed of – like the ability to talk to friends from Kansas to Kuala Lumpur on a mobile device and flights that can whisk us across countries and continents in mere hours (not to mention Uber rides to collect us on demand when we reach our destination). But for all the conveniences and luxuries we enjoy, it’s arguable that we’re living in one of the most toxic periods in history. Sure, we’re not living in Victorian London with chimneys spewing who knows what into the sky, but we’re exposed to many hazards that those in previous generations were not. Here are a few tips to help detox your daily life:
Put Away the Plastic
Though many plastic goods now proudly proclaim themselves to be “BPA free”, BPA is just one of many harmful chemicals used to manufacture plastic. Some companies may well have ditched BPA, but have merely traded it for its brother BPS, which some studies suggest could be just as harmful. The trouble with all bisphenols is that they disrupt the endocrine system, messing with the levels of testosterone, estrogen and other hormones. A University of Calgary research team found that BPS and BPA altered brain development in fish. Another study at the University of Texas-Austin discovered that other BPA replacement chemicals leached synthetic estrogens more damaging than those released in products containing BPA. The bottom line – avoid plastic bottles and store food in glass containers rather than plastic ones or bags.
Mind Your Mercury
On the surface, eating fish is good for you. It’s a solid source of protein and packs a mighty dose of brain-boosting, inflammation-fighting Omega 3 fatty acids. But not all fish are created (or in this case, bred and caught) equal. Some species, like king mackerel and swordfish, contain an inordinate amount of heavy metals like mercury, while other types – like the ever-popular tuna – have varying blood levels of heavy metals depending on where they’re caught. Then there’s farmed fish, which are sometimes fed an unnatural diet, which can include ground up wild fish high in contaminants. Keep getting all the benefits of fish without the side dish of heavy metals by opting for wild caught salmon, sardines and other options that bear the Marine Stewardship Council logo.
Just Say No to Pesticides and Growth Hormones
Alright, It might be predictable/annoying to beat the “go organic” drum again, but that doesn’t make it any less valid when it comes to reducing your daily exposure to harmful chemicals. When you buy non-organic produce, they’re likely covered in a cocktail of chemicals which can increase your cancer risk, throw off your hormonal balance and contribute to umpteen other maladies – particularly the so-called “Dirty Dozen” foods. If you consume non-organic dairy products and meat, the livestock that they came from are probably raised on feed slathered in those same chemicals, while the animals themselves are likely given doses of antibiotics to keep them from getting sick and hormones that increase yields. Not to mention them being crammed into small factory farming pens. So when possible, try to stick to organic foods.