Founder, Yoga 15

Photo: Janalyn Rose, Horizon Light Productions.

The Inertia

Not only do twisting yoga poses feel really good, they also have a plethora of other amazing benefits.

The Physiology of Twists

-Twists stretch muscles throughout the body, including the hips, glutes, abs, obliques, back, chest, shoulders and neck

-Increase rotational spinal flexibility and suppleness, bringing circulation and fluid flow to the different tissues of the spine

-Improve the health of the joints, especially the hips and shoulders

-Enhance breathing efficiency by stretching the intercostal muscles that support the rib cage

-Relieve lower back pain

-Improve posture

Benefits For Surfers

 –Flexibility and stability in the torso is crucial to make powerful and fluid turns on the board

-Suppleness in the spine is required for the agility to adapt to constant changes in the waves

-Twists wring out tension from muscles that tighten up, especially from paddling

-Twisting poses reduce recovery time

-Twists improve breathing mechanics by stretching and releasing tension in the muscles that support the rib cage

-Increased spinal and joint mobility reduces the likelihood of injury

-Restorative twisting routines enhance calm and clarity which helps you to focus when you’re out on the water

Twisting Tips

-Check with your doctor. If you are injured, check with your physical therapist or medical professional before practicing this routine.

-Lengthen your spine before you twist. Draw the crown of your head up towards the ceiling to decompress your vertebrae before you twist.

-Start from the bottom. Bring your attention to the base of your spine and initiate the twist there. Let the movement gradually unfold up your spine, turning your neck last of all.

-Slow down your breathing. Inhale as you lengthen, and exhale as you twist deeper into the pose.

-Twist mindfully. Be careful not to over-twist. Different sections of your spine are designed to support varying degrees of rotation. You should not feel pain or even significant discomfort.

-Savour the sensation. Wringing out tension from your body feels great, so let the feeling sink in before you move back into your day. Twisting poses are an act of self-love!

-Be consistent. Twist it up at least 2-3 times a week, if not every day.

Top 3 Twists

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist


-Stretches the hips, glutes, abs, obliques, back, shoulders and neck

-Opens up the chest

-Increases spinal rotation

-Improves posture



-Sit with a straight back and both legs out in front of you.

-Cross your right foot to the outside of your left thigh and bring your left foot back to your right hip.

-Place your right fingertips behind you and hug your left knee into your chest.

-Inhale, sit up tall. Exhale, twist to the right from the base of your spine.

-To increase the intensity of the pose, bring your left elbow to outside of your right knee and twist a little deeper.

-Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.

-Come back to centre on your last exhalation and switch sides.



Seated Spinal Twist Modified

Seated Spinal Twist Modified

-You can sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips up if you’re not able to comfortably sit up straight.

-If both your sitting bones do not rest evenly on the mat in the twist, keep your left leg straight out in front of you and flex your foot.



-Back or knee injury

Yoga Squat Twist

Squat Twist

Squat Twist


-Increases spinal flexibility

-Opens up the hips

-Stretches the ankles, groin and lower back

-Alleviates lower back pain



-Stand in Mountain pose with your feet hip width apart.

-Inhale, sweep your arms out and up. Exhale, swan dive down into forward fold.

-Heel-toe your feet to the edges of your mat, bend your knees and come down into a squat.

-Bring your upper body in between your thighs and touch your palms together.

-Inhale,lengthen your spine. Exhale, press your triceps against your knees to open up your hips.

-Bring your right hand to the mat for a twist. Inhale, sweep your left hand up to the sky – look up to your fingertips. Twist from the base of your spine. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose. On an exhalation, bring your left hand down and switch sides. Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths.

-To come out of the pose, bring your hands behind you and sit back on your mat.


-If you have tight Achilles tendons, calves or hamstrings and your heels don’t touch the ground, you can stay up on your toes with your heels lifted or support them on a cushion.


-Knee or hip injury

Reclining Spinal Twist

Reclining Spinal Twist

Reclining Spinal Twist


-Increases spinal mobility

-Stretches the IT Band, hips, glutes, back, abs, obliques, chest, shoulders and neck

-Alleviates lower back pain

-Relaxes the body and calms the mind



-Lie on your back and hug your knees.

-Lower your left leg to the mat and squeeze your right knee into your chest.

-Stretch your right arm out to the side, palm facing down.

-Hook your right foot behind your left inner thigh and gently guide your right knee across your body, down towards the mat, as far as is comfortable.

-Look to the right and try to keep both shoulders flat to the mat.

-Stay in the pose for 5-10 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.

-On your last exhalation, come back to centre and switch sides.



-If your knee does not come all the way down to the mat, you can rest it on a cushion so that you can relax fully into the pose.



2-Knee Reclining Spinal Twist

2-Knee Spinal Twist

2-Knee Spinal Twist

A gentler and more accessible variation of the pose

Reclining Knee-Down

Reclining Knee Down Twist

Reclining Knee-Down Twist

Twist intensifies the stretch in the outer hip and IT Band


Reclining Spinal Twist Eagle

Reclining Spinal Twist Eagle

Legs deepen the twist at the lower back



-Knee or hip injury

Download Abi’s yoga routines for surfers here


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