Distributor of Ideas

Photo: Shutterstock.

The Inertia

Pilates can be a little intimidating, especially if you haven’t done it before. I don’t know about you, but I typically think of a pilates class and imagine lots of tiny, fit women climbing onto confusing machines . Well, if you’re thinking is along the same lines as mine, and you’ve been hoping to try pilates but your nerves have gotten the best of you, here’s your chance. This beginner/intermediate routine will work you from head to toe, but it especially focuses on the abs and lower body.

The best part? You can do the practice at your own speed from the comfort of your own home. There’s no equipment or experience required, so it’s a great way to try the practice. Just please use caution and good judgement when attempting exercises. Move carefully at a comfortable pace, and you’ll get an amazing workout.

Video Credit: Fitness Blender


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