Fitness Coach/Surfer

The very first time I did this exercise, I thought to myself, “what the hell is this supposed to do?”

I think I read it in a Men’s Health magazine, and gave it a try along with a number of other stupid exercises that I now know to be a waste of time. It was too easy, I wasn’t feeling anything, so to be honest, I didn’t really bother again. And yet, for some reason, I can’t think of a single exercise that is promoted as widely, especially for helping people with core instability and low back problems.

So why should you bother? If you have ever experienced lower back pain or lumbo pelvic pain, then this exercise can work magic in helping you recondition your body back to health.

It is awesome, and after the first time I did this correctly (form is pretty specific here) my triceps were on fire for days – more so than with any tricep workout I had done before.

I had found the point.

Done correctly, this exercise is TOUGH. If you aren’t feeling the love, watch this video, get someone to get you set up correctly, and start simple. If you have any questions, please send them to me here at and get answers video’d straight to you.

If you would like to know what our programs are all about, you can check them out here, or if you have specific issues that you want solved, get in touch.

Till next time surf fans,


Ash, Weekend Surf Warrior


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