Just release all that shit. Photo: Shutterstock.

“If you find your mind wandering to other thoughts, just acknowledge that all that sh*t is just f*cking b*llsh*t”
The amazing thing about meditation, is that it can be whatever you as an individual want it to be. You can listen to a guru instructor walk you through an imaginary lush garden, leaving your problems hanging from the branches of a tree. You can sit quietly on a beach by yourself, listening to the soothing sounds of the sea. Or you can listen to this app cuss out life’s greatest frustrations, one four letter word after another. Each approach is different, and each can be perfectly suited to different personalities. If you really enjoy dropping F-Bombs, and you just don’t give a sh*t, the last approach mentioned is probably for you.
The H*nest Meditation app offers “peaceful meditation with just a pinch of salty language.” The guided meditations come in 2, 5, or 10 minute lengths, and each comes with a generous serving of four letter words. It might not seem all that peaceful, but it pretty accurately reflects what most of us are actually experiencing when we meditate.
The app was designed by Jason Headley who directed the video below, “F*ck That: An Honest Meditation.” So far, the video has about 6.5 million views on YouTube. I highly recommend watching it if you’re looking for a good laugh. Also as a side note, I find it super impressive that Mr. Headley or whoever is reading the script could get the words out with a perfectly soothing, monotone voice. I’d be laughing my a$$ off.
Although this app may be seriously offensive to those who are deeply devoted to more tradition forms of meditation, it’s actually a really great addition to the practice. It might not exude the respect and inner peace that other kinds of meditation do, but it makes the practice so much more accessible and enjoyable for people who have a low tolerance for “mystic b*llsh*t.” Meditation is incredibly healthy, as it allows us better understand what the f*ck is going on in our heads. Ultimately this can lead to healthier thoughts and healthier lives. Even those of us who curse like sailors need a little time to reflect, grow, and let go of all the b*lls*t.