Dr. Eric Goodman at TEDxAmericanRiviera.

“The way we react to pain, the way we think of pain is wrong. We have warning signs that our body tries to tell us. These warning signs come in the way of the very chronic, common pain that we have.”
It takes conscious effort to maintain a healthy body in today’s everyday lifestyle. Even if you eat organic, workout weekly, and get plenty of sleep, there are certain aspects of modern life that simply do not support the maintenance of a healthy body structure. Cars. 9-5 desk jobs. Cell phones. There are so many things that alter the way we move in damaging ways. In this TED Talk, Dr. Eric Goodman delves into the root causes and cures of chronic pain. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Physiology and Nutrition, as well as a Doctorate in Chiropractic, Goodman deeply understands the human body and human movement. Watch the clip below to better understand how chronic pain can be a road map for healing and not just a target for pain meds.