Founder, Yoga 15

The Inertia


  • Stretches the hip flexors, abs, chest, shoulders, and wrists.
  • Strengthens the hands, arms, shoulders, back, glutes and legs.
  • Increases spinal mobility.


  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and your feet flat on the mat, hip-width apart.
  • Bring your hands next to your ears, fingertips pointing back towards your shoulders.
  • Inhale, lift up onto the top of your head, hug your elbows in and pause for a moment.
  • Exhale, straighten your arms and legs and come up into Wheel. Relax your head and neck.
  • Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
  • To come out of the pose, tuck your chin and come down onto the back of your neck, before lowering all the way down to the mat.
  • Bring one hand to your belly and one hand to your chest. Walk your feet out to the edges of the mat and drop both knees slowly left and right to release your lower back.
  • Bring your knees back to center and hug them into your chest.


  • Avoid this pose if you have a wrist, back or shoulder injury.

Editor’s Note: Find more yoga routines designed specifically for surfers here.


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