Founder, Yoga 15
Photo: @instagrajam.

Photo: @instagrajam.

The Inertia


-Stretches the hamstrings, obliques, intercostal muscles, QL, lats, shoulders and neck.

-Opens up the hips.

-Increases flexibility in the spine.

-Improves breathing efficiency.


-Sit comfortably on your mat.

-Bring your right leg out wide, flex your right foot and press the sole of your left foot against your right inner thigh.

-Inhale, sit up tall. Exhale, bring your right elbow and forearm inside your right leg, palm facing up.

-Inhale, sweep your left arm up and over. Exhale, relax into the pose. Keep your right foot flexed and draw your top shoulder back.

-You can look down, straight ahead or up to the sky.

-Stay in the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.

-To come out of the pose, take a deep breath in. Exhale, come back to centre and switch sides.


-Bend the knee of your extended leg as much as you need to to deepen the stretch in your obliques.

-You can also sit on the edge of a cushion to raise your hips up if that feels more comfortable.


-Knee, hip, back or shoulder injury

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