Photo: Abi Carver.

Pose For The Weekend: Rag Doll
Skill Level: Beginner
-Relieves compression at the lower back.
-Stretches the calves and hamstrings (when the legs are straight).
-Releases tension in the neck and shoulders.
-Drains the sinuses.
-Stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointing forward.
-Bring your hands to your hips, micro-bend your knees and hinge forward from the hips with a flat back.
-Cross your arms and hold onto opposite elbows. Sway gently from side to side and allow your spine to fully release.
-Stay in the pose for 5-10 deep breaths, in and out through the nose.
-To come out of the pose, bring your hands to your hips, keep the micro-bend in your knees and come up to standing with a flat back on an inhalation.
-Exhale, release your hands back down by your sides.
-Back injury
Find more yoga poses and routines designed specifically for surfers here.