Photo: Abi Carver

Skill Level: Intermediate
-Opens up tight hips and chest
-Stretches the groin, hip flexors, quads, shoulders and neck
-Strengthens the hands, wrists, arms and shoulders
-Alleviates low back pain
-Step your left foot forward into Low Lunge. Drop your right knee, release your back foot and bring your palms to the mat. Check that your left knee is directly above your left ankle.
-Pick up your right foot, take hold of your right ankle with your left hand and walk your left foot out to the edge of your mat. -Drop your left shoulder back and look up to the sky.
-Gently pull your right foot in towards you, sink your hips and let your left knee fall open. Keep pressing into your right palm.
-Stay in the pose for 5-10 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
-To come out of the pose, release your ankle, walk your left foot in, bring your left hand back to the mat and step back to Downward Dog for the other side.
-Knee injury.
Find more yoga poses and routines designed specifically for surfers here.