Photo: @mariarevelj

-Stretches the hip flexors and quads
-Opens up the hips
-Strengthens the knees and thighs
-Alleviates low back pain
-From Downward Dog, step your right foot in between your hands. Drop your left knee to the mat and release your back foot. Check that your right knee is directly above your right ankle.
-Bring both hands to your right knee and press them away from you. Draw your shoulders away from your ears and sink into the stretch in the front of your left hip.
-Stay in the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
-To come out of the pose, take a deep breath in. Exhale, bring your hands to the mat and step back to Downward Dog for the other side.
-Knee or ankle injury
Find more yoga poses and routines designed specifically for surfers here.