Founder, Yoga 15
Kick off the weekend with the Extended Side Angle Pose. Photo: Abi Carver.

Kick off the weekend with the Extended Side Angle Pose. Photo: Abi Carver.

The Inertia

Skill Level: Intermediate


-Strengthens the feet, ankles, legs and glutes
-Stretches the ankles, calves, hamstrings, groin, obliques, intercostals, arms and shoulders
-Opens up the hips
-Increases lung capacity and improves breath efficiency


-From Downward Dog, step your right foot in between your hands in runners lunge.
-Check that your right knee is directly above your right ankle and turn your left heel down to the mat.
-Come up, resting your right forearm on your front knee.
-Drop your left shoulder back and circle your left arm down and across your body into Extended Side Angle Pose.
-Draw your right ear away from your shoulder and reach through your fingertips.
-Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths, in an out through your nose.
-Circle your left hand back down to the mat and step back to Downward Dog for the other side.


Knee injury

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