Founder, Yoga 15

Photo: Charley Smith: @charley_smith_photography

The Inertia


-Strengthens the feet, ankles, legs, knees, hips, glutes, abs, lower and upper back, shoulders and arms

-Stretches the chest and shoulders

-Releases compression at the lower back

-Alleviates lower back pain


-Stand with your feet hip width apart, toes pointing straight ahead.

-Inhale, sweep your arms out and up overhead – bring your hands shoulder-width apart, palms face each other.

-Exhale, bend your knees, pull your hips back and sit back in chair.

-Shift your weight into your heels so that you can see your toes. You should almost feel as though you’re falling backwards.

-Check that both knees point straight ahead and do not fall in towards each other.

-Lift your chest and look straight ahead. Reach through your fingertips and draw your abs in tight.

-If you feel compression at the base of your spine, tilt your pelvis up to lengthen your lower back. Seal your lips and stay here for 5-10 breaths, in and out through your nose.

-To come out of the pose, take a deep breath in, reach through your fingertips. Exhale, stand up and bring your hands back down by your sides.

Variation: Chair Pose Twist


Photo: Charley Smith: @charley_smith_photography

-This version of Chair pose increases rotational spinal flexibility and opens up the chest

Variation: One-Legged Chair


Photo: Charley Smith: @charley_smith_photography

-This version of Chair pose challenges your balance and opens up the hips

Variation: Dynamic Chair Pose


Photo: Charley Smith: @charley_smith_photography

-Alternating between Chair pose and Standing Forward Bend can be a great warm-up for the ankles, knees, hips and shoulders


-Knee injury

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