Founder, Yoga 15

The Inertia

-Stretches the hip flexors, hamstrings and groin.
-Alleviates lower back pain.

-From Downward Dog, take a deep breath in.
-Exhale, step your right foot in between your hands. Drop your left knee, release your back foot and slide it back.
-Bring your right hand inside your right foot and walk your right foot out to the edge of the mat.
-Hold the pose for 5 deep breaths, in and out through your nose.
-Take a deep breath in. Exhale, tuck your back toes and step back to Downward Dog for the other side.

-If you have the flexibility in your hips, you can come down onto your forearms and interlace your fingers. Try not to drop your head.
-If this is too intense, you can rest your forearms on a bolster or cushions.

-Avoid this pose if you have a hip, knee or lower back injury.

Editor’s Note: Find more yoga poses and routines designed specifically for surfers here.


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