“Come on Santa, one more set.” Good news: you don’t need a gym for these. Photo: PTM Fitness

After a few weeks of doing damage at the dinner table, it can be tempting to put off getting back into working out until the dust, tinsel and wrapping paper settle in the New Year. But you don’t need to hold off until you start trying to put your 2018 get-fit resolution into practice. Setting aside just a few minutes a day to fit in some high quality, intentional movement can start offsetting the effects of those Christmas parties, Grandma’s cooking and any residue from Thanksgiving. Here are three quick circuits that you can do in 15 minutes or less with no equipment. Go get after it!
Workout One
Do three rounds of the following exercises with 45 to 90 seconds rest in between:
—100 jumps, reaching your hands up as you expand your standing jump
—20 pushups
—30 bodyweight lunges, each side
Workout Two
Tabata interval sprint or cycle (Live somewhere snowy? Then use snowshoes, cross-country skis, a fat bike or just go as fast as you can in your winter boots. Or if you or your folks have a treadmill or exercise bike, go with that instead). To do the Tabata:
—Take a five-minute warmup jog, cycle or ski (use your preferred tool)
—Do eight sets of running or cycling full speed for 20 seconds and slowly for 10 seconds
—Do a slow five-minute cooldown on said tool
Workout Three
Do three rounds of the following exercises with 45 to 90 seconds rest in between:
—25 burpees
—One minute plank hold
—35 bodyweight squats