All Photos By Micaelamalmi Photography.

Longevity is to be revered, not feared. To live a long life is a privilege. The phases of life have different dimensions and are unique to everyone. One dimension of longevity that I’ve discovered is that it’s a practice of choices: a collection of your life’s experiences to create your unique, personal history.
Longevity is a practice of being a student of life and a wisdom seeker through your choices. Starting with your thoughts. Observe and witness the thoughts that you are choosing. Do they serve you or deplete you? What is the self-chatter going on in your head; is it kind and loving, or negative and demeaning? Do you talk to yourself like you would talk to your best friend?
As women our thoughts might even focus on analyzing our flaws when we look in the mirror, instead of claiming what we adore about ourselves. Ask, what do you love about yourself, right now? Listen and communicate with yourself like you would a relationship, feed it with caring attention, powerful acceptance, and gracious self-love. This awareness of your thought patterns can be intense and fierce work.
I am right there with you! I can be hard on myself, plus, at times I feel like I am a professional over-thinker. It can be stormy; with emotional tornados, sprinkles of unnecessary worry, waves of self-doubt, winds of limiting beliefs, and icy negativity. All of a sudden you feel like you are in a fog… completely, lost, again. Then there is a defining moment. A pause of taking a deep breath, a phone call with a friend, being in nature… a sparkle of light, a reminder to reflect, and listen. That glimmer, that sparkle is always there in all weather, but it is a practice to find it/see it and feel it. Like the beacon of a lighthouse, it will guide you back to your practice of being aware of your thoughts to choose self-respect, self-love, and self- acceptance of who you are right now. At this age. In this moment of your life.
Longevity is a celebration of your wisdom of learning to make better choices and being present. Flow with this sweet self-love yoga sequence with some tunes if you wish, maybe light a candle, wear your pj’s… slow down. Take care of yourself. Be aware of your thoughts, recognize them non-judgmentally, and let them float through. Be present with yourself on your mat. Celebrate your wisdom and longevity.
Take five breaths in each pose, listen… and go with the flow.
Standing Forward Fold: is symbolic of coming inward. Slow your breath down and take long, deep, full breaths. Close your eyes and listen. Give yourself a hug.
Create a version of side plank: explore and open your heart, reach and lengthen your upper arm. Expand your body, breath, and mind. Explore on your mat, and go with the flow of your breath.
Handstand Variation/ Down dog: Be upside down in this handstand option or in down dog to find a new perspective. Take a leap of faith, and find your power.
Side Lunge: Get low. Optional to bring your hands to your third eye, to see clearly, and ignite bright visions. Connect with your intuition, your light. Honor your wisdom, and your history.
Childs pose: With arms outstretched or by your side, symbolic of being snuggled as a tiny baby in the womb. Surrender, release, let go, be present, welcome in the new. Namaste.