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Weight loss is tricky. Sometimes you can lose weight without even trying, and other times, even when you put your best effort forward, your weight loss can stall. It’s frustrating, but there are usually a couple easy-to-fix underlying reasons why you aren’t losing weight. These reasons are easy to overlook, but once you read them, they will probably seem incredibly obvious. These are the top 10 reasons you’re not losing weight.
You Overeat Healthy Foods

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Your dietary intake is the #1 determinant of your weight loss. Although healthy foods can help promote weight loss, they can also be the reason why your results are stalling. The thing is, just because a type of food is good for you doesn’t mean it is completely void of calories or fat. Foods like avocado, quinoa, and almonds are great examples. These foods are incredible for your health, and they’re commonly cited as superfoods or healthy snacks. However, all three are high in calories, and both avocado and almonds are high in healthy fats. If you don’t measure out modest portions, they could lead to weight gain.
Your Workouts Lack Intensity

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When it comes to exercise, sure, something is better than nothing. A walk around the block is better than sitting on your butt all day. However, light exercise won’t produce the results you’re probably looking for. Rather, if you’re looking to drop some serious lbs, you need to turn up the intensity. You should be aiming for about 30 minutes of cardio each day. Activities like spin class, HIIT workouts, running with interval sprints, and hiking uphill are great options to consider.
You Skip Strength Training

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Yes, cardio is a key element of weight loss. Without cardio, you’ll have a hard time achieving your weight loss goals. However, cardio shouldn’t be your only workout. You need to incorporate some form of strength training as well. Although losing fat is great, building muscle is even better for weight loss. Muscle burns more calories throughout the day and when exercising, so as you build muscle, you’ll drop fat even quicker.
You Don’t Get Enough Sleep

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This one might surprise you, but sufficient sleep is essential for weight loss. When you’re fatigued, your body releases hormones that prompt you to eat. Your body needs energy, so it turns to food to provide this boost. Unfortunately, while these extra calories might help keep your brain going, they don’t help with your weight loss. To make things worse, these hormones usually start pumping late at night, prompting you to indulge in pizza or other unhealthy snacks. Instead, make sure you get your zzz’s.
Your Partner Isn’t On the Same Page

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Even if you eat healthy and workout on your own time, if your romantic partner isn’t on the same page, it might be negatively affecting your weight loss. The thing is, we’re less aware of what we’re eating and how we’re behaving with a partner who makes us feel comfortable and loved. If your partner enjoys junk food and watching movies all day on Saturdays, you’re probably inclined to do the same. This is no big deal if you’re comfortable with your weight, but if you’re really focused on weight loss, it could be stalling your efforts.
You Don’t Sit Down to Eat

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Find yourself walking around or standing as you eat? It could be hampering your weight loss efforts. When we’re doing something else while munching, we are less aware of how much we’re eating as well as how full we are. This leads to mindless eating, which eventually results in overeating. Make an effort to sit down for your meals. This will help you enjoy your food more, and it will help you monitor your intake.
You Skip Breakfast

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Skipping breakfast might seem like a good idea to trim calories, especially if you overate at dinner. However, studies have routinely found that people who eat breakfast regularly have the best results losing weight and maintaining a healthy weight. You don’t need to have a huge meal each morning with bacon, eggs, toast, and potatoes, but you should try to at least eat a little bit of protein to keep your body fueled through the morning.
You Workout on an Empty Stomach

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Many people feel like working out on an empty stomach helps you burn fat quicker. Logically, it would seem to make sense, with fewer calories to burn, your body goes straight to burning fat. Unfortunately, that’s not quite how it usually works. Instead, your body breaks down muscle for energy first, which can lead to soreness and fatigue later. Additionally, muscle is your friend when it comes to weight loss because it burns more calories throughout the day. Instead, make sure you at least eat a protein bar or shake before you work out. This will help you see results more quickly.
You Don’t Drink Enough Water

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Water is a powerful tool for weight loss. It helps your body function properly, and it helps manage your appetite. Drinking water before a meal, or incorporating water rich foods into your meal can prevent overeating. These two practices help you feel full more quickly. Additionally, if you’re skimping on your water consumption each day, you may be eating more food than your body really needs because it’s common to mistake thirst for hunger.
You Work Too Hard

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Are you a workaholic? This could be cramping your weight loss. In addition to limiting your time to prepare healthy meals and exercise, working too much or too hard can leave you stressed out. Stress, like fatigue, releases particular hormones in your body. These hormones make you crave carbs and sugars that can completely derail your weight loss goals. Make sure you’re taking enough time to decompress and have fun, and you’ll notice yourself stress eating less frequently.