Does Bernie eat as well as he surfs?

The Washington Post recently released an article regarding presidential candidate Bernie Sanders’ diet. As far as I can tell, Sanders probably eats healthier than I do. Even though Sanders is by no account a full-blown foodie, he manages to eat clean, simple meals that would make a dietician proud. His daughter has even said that Sanders was, “paleo before paleo was a thing.”
After struggling with heavy food served on the beginning of the campaign trail, Sanders’ team has worked to help provide him with nutritious, nourishing food that helps him feel his best. His wife shared that the candidate usually eats Raisin Bran, cherry juice, and an English muffin if he’s at home, and he will eat bacon and eggs if he’s out.
Typically, he keeps blueberries, avocados, 1% milk, and fruit preserves for the English muffins in his pantry at home, and he snacks on almonds, oranges, salads, and an occasional smoothie during his days campaigning.
When he decides to celebrate, Sanders usually opts for red wine. He prefers pinot noir. Additionally, Sanders enjoys a good steak, and he enjoys grilling the locally raised meat he keeps around the house. Word has it he also makes a great chicken stir fry with mushrooms and onions. Overall, Sanders keeps it fresh, which some might argue, mirrors his campaign. You can read the full details of Sanders’ diet here.
Perhaps the most interesting thing about Sanders’ diet, is the fact we know or even care about it. The Washington Post published the information about his diet in the “second in an occasional series about the eating habits of the presidential candidates.” Who has ever cared about the diet of our potential presidents? This article wasn’t released for Food Network; it was released by The Washington Post.
I’d say this series is a sign of the times. Although it might seem a bit silly to think about Bernie’s bran habits, maybe people really care about the health habits of the next commander in chief. Health plays a greater role in our society, and people are eager to select a president that lives a lifestyle that aligns with their own, no matter what that lifestyle may be.
Additionally, this election cycle, people are paying attention to the person behind the policy. Voters are looking not just to the political positions of the candidates; they’re looking to elect the real man or woman behind the campaign.
If you’d like to dig deeper into the health habits of the presidential hopefuls, the HuffPost has created a pretty thorough guide. It’s entertaining to look through, and it gives you more details about the remaining candidates (although it still includes Rubio who has already dropped out).