Yoga Instructor/Surfer

Photo: Monika Villalobos

The Inertia

It’s really easy and often very tempting to just jump in and out of the water without even a quick stretch. The truth is, stretching before and after surfing is important. Stretching allows us to get the best of our surf performance and helps us avoid long term contractions of muscles, which helps decrease the risk of cramping up and injury.

With that said, if you only allow yourself the time to do two stretches to warm up and cool down for a surf, give these a try:

Wide-Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)

Photo: Monika Villalobos

This pose is great to release the tension in your shoulders and back. As we paddle, our shoulders tend to get tight. It will stretch the back and inside of the legs, open your hips, stretch the spine, shoulders, and chest. It also helps calm the mind.

1. From Tadasana, step the feet wide apart, about your legs length. Your feet are parallel to each other. Maybe even heels slightly out to compared to the toes.
2. Lift inner arches, by drawing inner ankles up, firm outer edge of feet and big toes into floor. Engage your thighs by drawing them up.
3. If you can, bring your palms together behind your back and clasp your fingers. If that’s too hard, just grab a hold of opposite elbows with your hands.
4. Inhale lengthen the front of the body, exhale fold forward from the hips, keeping the back straight and the chest open, and keeping the hips over the heels. Take the crown of your head towards the floor, while you maintain the sensation of the shoulder blades on the back.
5. In the full forward bend you release the head down, and with long neck, you can place the crown of the head on the floor.
6. To come out of this pose, inhale and lift back up as you press into your feet.

Standing Side Stretch

Photo: Monika Villalobos

1. Begin by standing in mountain pose
2. Reach your arms out to the side and over your head to frame your face.
3. Take a hold of your right wrist with your left hand.
4. Take a deep inhale to lengthen and use your exhale to lean your torso over to the left. Bending at your left waist and softening your left elbow.


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