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The key to successful weight loss? Not giving up. Depriving yourself of nutrients and keeping yourself in a state of constant hunger is not the answer. These drastic measures simply aren’t sustainable, and sooner or later, you’re bound to give in. Next thing you know, you’ll be half way through a chocolate cake, and all those calories you saved by skipping breakfast just caught up.
Rather, if you’re trying to lose weight, keep your stomach satisfied. That doesn’t mean go grab a burger and fries for lunch; it means taking a close look at your diet, making healthy substitutions, and finding better ways to fuel your body.
Foods that contain protein, fiber, and healthy fats are your best friends. These ingredients are good for you, and they’ll help keep you full and energized. Below are some of the easiest kinds of these foods to add to your morning smoothie.
Ground Flaxseed

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Ground Flaxseed is loaded with fiber, which translates into more hours feeling full. Flaxseed has both soluble and insoluble fiber, and it’s low in carbs, which makes it an ideal weight loss food. Plus, as a bonus, flaxseed also contains omega-3s that have been shown to increase fat loss potential.

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It can be valuable to swap fruit for veggies in your smoothie. This substitute keeps the sugar content of the drink down, and it ensures you get as much nutrition as possible. However, next time you’re looking to cut a fruit, make sure it’s not a berry. Berries are super high in fiber, and their sweet taste helps mask any less delicious ingredients. Plus, blueberries have even been shown to help eliminate belly fat.

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This one definitely feels like it came out of left field, but hear me out. The number one complaint about tofu? It doesn’t taste like anything. That means you won’t even notice it in your smoothie. It will add a creamier texture without any unwanted taste. Tofu is one of the best plant-based sources of protein out there, and it’s sure to make your smoothie all the more filling and satisfying.

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Although you might not think of them as a tool for weight loss, walnuts are packed with protein and polyunsaturated (healthy) fats. These two work together to ensure you’re satisfied, even after sipping on just a small smoothie. Walnuts are also relatively soft compared to almonds and other nuts, so you’ll have little trouble mixing them into your favorite smoothie recipe.
Greek Yogurt

Photo: Shutterstock.
Greek Yogurt is the perfect smoothie ingredient. It makes your fruity beverage delightfully creamy, but it also brings serious protein to the table. This helps keep you full longer, provide long-lasting energy, and promote weight loss. You won’t be disappointed with this welcome addition.