Distributor of Ideas
Slater, definitely in the mix, almost 10 years later. Photo via Instagram @kellyslater.

Slater is definitely still in the mix, almost 10 years later. Photo via Instagram @kellyslater.

The Inertia

It’s absurd to think that physical age is any kind of indicator about what you can do. At this point, I feel like in 10 years I could still be in the running for winning contests” -Kelly Slater 2009

Kelly Slater is a beast. The 11x world champion won the Pipe Pro a month ago, turned 44 two weeks ago, and got a barrel the size of a school bus at Waimea for the Eddie just yesterday. He’s in better shape than most pros at 25, and there’s no knowing how many more decades he’ll be competing.

Today, we all know that Slater’s healthy living habits (and possibly black magic) are what keep him winning and surfing better than ever. However, let’s rewind to say 2009. His ultra-clean lifestyle was just starting to take root. This was pre-Chia Co., Outerknown, Purps, etc. and he was still with Quik. The health craze was only in its infant stages. Slater only had 9 world titles to his name, and he was just beginning to dabble in the health and wellness sphere.

That is where this clip begins. Take a look into the mind of a younger Slater foreshadowing where he’s (almost) at right now. If anything, Slater is surpassing even what he imagined…


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