Board storage can be a tricky game. Everything’s fine and dandy in life when you have a garage and plenty of space to keep your boards free and clear of all the other junk you hoard. But for the space impoverished, we have to be a little more economical about how and where we keep our quiver. Then again, if some of my own old boards could talk, they’d lecture you on the dangers of letting a surfboard live all willy nilly wherever you feel like dropping them day to day. So let’s just say what I’m about to share, I’ve learned from a history of treating surfboards to a slow and painful death.
Even down to the most recent custom surfboard I picked up, my buddy/shaper/guru/enlightened board selection mentor gave me a simple lecture about even gently placing a board upright in a corner in my apartment. My logic was that while stored in a board sock, safely and gently plopped in a corner in my bedroom (carpeted, nonetheless) and away from sunlight would keep the thing in tip top shape as long as possible. “If I just gently push this spot on your arm over and over over and over,” he said with one of those subtle yet persistent pokes a kid gives his mom for attention. “After long enough it’s just going to bruise.” Not wanting to beat this board into the ground like I’ve made a habit of doing over the years, I decided to take his advice and hunt down a decent wall mounted rack.
After searching for a quality rack I eventually called an audible. As much space as I’d save keeping two or three boards on the wall, I came across an even better, not so traditional option. CORSurf’s ceiling mounted/hanging roll rack was the call. Since I neither sleep on my ceiling or keep my dirty clothes there, my boards now take up zero valuable space in my apartment. Yes, the roll rack is probably best suited to hang in somebody’s garage, but since I don’t have that option, it’s even more valuable by using previously ignored space. The padded dowels roll easily, so sliding boards in and out of the rack is simple. And even with a full five boards now hanging from my ceiling, the entire unit is secure and stable. Necessity turned surf hack.
Building the rack took about 15 quick and easy minutes in my living room (with no directions. Because testosterone) but if I’d advise one thing it’d be to avoid mounting it on your own. Just ask a friend to help with this part, please. Holding up either section of the rack against the ceiling with one hand and a power drill in the other hand, all while standing on a ladder, isn’t the safest do-it-yourself endeavor. That second step added an easy 90 minutes of work. Eventually it all went up safe and sound though, ensuring my boards don’t get any of those frustrating spider cracks or dings, and I get the rest of the floor space in my apartment to leave my gym clothes. Problem solved.
Editor’s Note: This #RADGEAR is powered with our good friends at CORSurf.