Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Patagonia. Patagonia. Patagonia.

Even the simple act of saying or writing “Patagonia” invokes a sort of reaction reserved for only the most beautiful of sights we might be privy to see. And then there is the actual “seeing.” Merely looking at these screenshots — screenshots! — transcend whatever visceral response you thought yourself capable of. And these screenshots are not even in 8K. Yep, 8K, as in what the video of timelapses below is viewable in, timelapses that see dramatic transformations to already awe-inspiring landscapes.

Who do we have to thank for this? Martin Heck of Timestorm Films: “Shot in six weeks, traveling over 7500 kilometers from Santiago to Punta Arenas we captured roughly 100,000 still frames that combine into this timelapse video.”

THANK YOU, Martin.

Now, stop what you’re doing, put this on the highest quality your connection will load at (preferably 8K), and get ready to for a transcendental state of mind.


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