Editor at Everup

The Inertia

Graham Agassiz is crazy — certifiably crazy. That isn’t to say he isn’t equally talented and doesn’t think about what he is doing; he simply is crazy on top of that sturdy foundation of know-how and motivation. He is, after all, a man that casually launches off 76-foot cliffs… ON A MOUNTAIN BIKE.

And while that so-called insanity of his pushed him to places no one else had gone before, it also snapped back on a “relatively benign descent, one he’s done a hundred times before,” and led to a broken neck. But as Graham had already done many times before, he rose to the occasion, and got back to pushing the limits doing what he loves and does best: wrecking havoc.

Don’t call it a comeback. (Even though that is exactly what it is.)

The full film by Sherpas Cinema will be available for digital download on iTunes as of August 25.


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