Former CEO, Surfrider Foundation

Welcome to CaliforniaLater this month the California State Legislature will vote on Assembly Bill 298 which is oriented around banning single-use plastic bags.

Now is the time for you to engage in this process.

This morning I stood alongside other San Diego leaders (including 11year old activist Evan Lewis) to implore the legislature to take this issue seriously and ban the bag in the state of California. What occurred to me as I stood there was that we are no longer talking about California taking a true leadership position as it has so many times in the past.

In fact we, the state of California, are essentially letting our California brand become marginalized.

We are allowing what “California” means… to become polluted.

An estimated 70 – 80 single-use plastic bans have taken place in the US to date. In fact Surfrider just logged its 50th win in this category. There is strong momentum with this global fight because we all SEE plastic trash everywhere. If there is one positive attribute to single-use plastic it is that it provides a visible picture of pollution.

We see the trash.

We’re sick of seeing the trash.

We have the power to stop seeing the trash.

California uses a jaw-dropping 12 billion single-use plastic bags every year.

It’s estimated that less than 3% of these get recycled… the rest ends up in our oceans, in our landfills and in animals stomachs (killing them in the process).

Please think of your personal legacy, please click the red button to the right and tell elected officials that it’s time to end plastic pollution.


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