Distributor of Ideas

The Inertia

Look around you right now. Chances are very good that within arm’s reach, there is some form of plastic. It’s everywhere in our lives, from the phone or computer you’re reading this on to the knobs on your oven. But far and away the most harmful kind of plastic is the single-use stuff—the bottle of water you drank, the plastic straw in your drink last night, or that bag that your food came home from the grocery store in. There are a few companies that are worse than others when it comes to producing plastic, and Coca-Cola is one of them.

Back in January of 2018, the beverage behemoth made an announcement that sounded great: in response to the growing concern over plastics, it pledged a “world without waste” by 2030. According to some reports, there could be more plastic than fish in the sea by 2050. An average of ten tons of plastic is produced every second around the world, and somewhere around one-tenth of that will eventually make its way to the ocean, where it will bob around for centuries, slowly breaking down, entering the food chain, and choking animals. It’s a scourge, and despite the outrage, not much is being done about it. The consumer is partially to blame, but the companies that produce it bear the brunt of the responsibility.

The documentary you see above is an eye-opening one. Filmmaker Sandrine Rigaud took Coca-Cola’s announcement with a grain of salt and decided to dive a little deeper, and what she found should both terrify you and make you extraordinarily angry.


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