Pet owners are often delusional. They seem to think that their furry friend is special, that their Shih Tzu is smarter than the rest, that their Pomeranian is smiling at them. It’s highly unlikely. Until animals’ speech patterns evolve to conversational levels, we’ll never truly know what our pets are thinking. Until then, we’ll just have to speculate wildly. Here’s a perfect example: two very rare False Killer Whales were caught on camera recently acting very playful and even appearing to smile for the camera while swimming off Hawaii.
Like Killer Whales, the strangely named False Killer Whales, are part of the dolphin family. No offense to the rare species, but they kinda look like a deformed Orca with bulbous heads and eyes on the side. Likely a mother and a calf, the two recently spotted by Wild Side Tours were wary of human contact at first but they soon warmed up. In the footage, you can hear them speaking to each other and getting very curious about the submerged GoPro. Only about 150 to 200 False Killer Whales are believed to live around the Hawaiian Islands, making sightings like this very rare. And who cares if the blubbery fish is actually smiling for the camera. It’s still fun to believe it is.