Charlie Halsell’s Give Jewelry sells beautiful, handcrafted Balinese jewelry. For each piece sold, they are able to provide a child with week’s worth of food. Charlie, the founder, enjoying some quality time in paradise.

When I was a teenager just getting started in my life of surfing, I met Charlie Halsell. Charlie is a little older than I am and has been surfing for a lot longer than I have. He lived with one of my best friends, so it was inevitable that we would become friends as well. At that time, I was just realizing that there was a whole world of waves and adventure outside my local line-up; a world that Charlie had already become a veteran surf adventurer in. I would often find myself listening in awe to Charlie as he recounted tales from his adventures to far-off surf destinations that I would’ve never imagined visiting. But his tales helped inspire me to open my eyes to what was out there, to look beyond my little bubble. And years later he continues to inspire me to look beyond my bubble, only this time in a much more meaningful way.
Charlie Halsell is one of 9 children. Growing up in an 1100 square foot house with nine kids and only one bathroom has a way of making one appreciate a bit of solitude. “I got into surfing because I loved the ‘solo’ time it gave me,” Charlie says. “We all loved our childhood. It was like a constant summer camp, but solitude was rare, and therefore appreciated. I still enjoy the pause between sets to this day.” One thing having 8 siblings will teach you is the virtue of sharing. Perhaps that has something to do with Charlie’s new endeavor. While most surfers visit Indonesia solely for the waves, Charlie visits for a different reason. “I first visited the Bali Orphanage in 1992. I remember the kids being so happy compared to other orphanages I had seen in other parts of South East Asia. They really loved the Catholic Nuns that took care of them. Their food was very simple and their clothes were completely worn out, but they were happy.”
This first visit would provide the inspiration for Charlie’s new-found mission in life. “At the end of that ’92 trip, one of the older kids at the orphanage said: ‘Please don’t forget about us’ as we were leaving. His request has stayed with me for almost 20 years now.” Charlie and his wife began supporting the Bali Orphanage, but soon realized they simply couldn’t do it by themselves. And they wanted to help children in need all around the world as well as at the Bali Orphanage. So they started Give Jewelry in an effort to provide consistent revenue for the Bali Orphanage and others like it. Give Jewelry has a website that sells beautiful, handcrafted Balinese jewelry. For each piece of jewelry sold, Give Jewelry is able to provide a child in need with a week’s worth of nutritional food. “Most people are very generous by nature and just want to know that their efforts are going to genuine needs,” says Charlie. “Give Jewelry connects generous people with genuine needs – it’s that simple.”
One of the most inspiring things about Charlie and Give Jewelry is their focus on the children they’re helping. On my visit to the Give offices, I couldn’t help but notice the pictures of children from the Bali Orphanage hung throughout the complex. “I want everyone who works here to have a constant reminder of why we are here doing what we’re doing,” Charlie says. ” It’s about helping these children. I don’t want us to forget that.”
To find out how you can get involved, visit give-jewelry.com.