Our friends over at Surfers Against Sewage in England do excellent work.
Their latest campaign is calling for 100,000 signatures to highlight the value of waves and their importance as cultural, social, economic and environmental assets to coastal communities.
One of their ads is the image to the right; the surf leash as a noose offers a fresh take on this subject.
The copy reads:
No waves, no surf.
Sewage, litter and offshore development are threatening to kill our waves.
And so SAS is seeking to engage 100,000 people in their fight to establish the value of waves to the government.
This reminds me of a piece on the front page of the Washington Post’s Business section a few weeks ago… Surfonomics quantifies the worth of waves.
The piece, which profiled the work of Surfrider’s Chad Nelsen, spoke about a parallel goal here in the United States, establishing the value of waves.
Both SAS’s campaign and the Post’s article make the simple point that “what has value is worth saving, including waves.”
Regardless of where you live on the planet my guess is that there is an established group that’s working hard to value and protect waves. Find that group and join their ranks.