Sea turtle gets caught in net. Not the beginning of a good story, right? Well, not always. In this case, it is the beginning of a beautiful story, one that revolves around a smart response to an unfortunate situation and a show of gratitude that will have you aw-ing into the night.
According to a report by HuffPost Green, dive partners Cameron Dietrich and Colin Sutton were off the coast of Mexico earlier this year spearfishing for tuna when they came across a sea turtle caught in a net. Dietrich immediately went over to lend a hand, quickly and effectively untangling the ropes from around the turtle’s left flipper and releasing it. The sea turtle initially swam away in relief, but seconds later turned around and swam back towards Dietrich, where for an amazing moment of interspecies communication, it rested inches from the diver in what has been interpreted as a thank you of sorts.
Worried about the apparently uncooperative left flipper? David Godfrey, executive director of The Sea Turtle Conservancy, told HuffPost Green not to be. The sea turtle’s circular swimming tendency was likely because turtle’s left flipper was experiencing a limited paralysis; however, motion often returns and the sea turtle (hopefully) be back to normal soon.
Godfrey then went on to say that the divers responded in the best and most commendable way possible; the World Wildlife Fund has called human fishing gear as the singles greatest threat to sea turtles worldwide.