Trestles is home to the annual Hurley Pro, a beloved stop by the ASP World Tour circuit, and, more importantly, one the last clean watersheds in Southern California. We hope that the surf community can unite to protect a world-class break and the California State Park. News about continued plans to build a toll road over San Onofre State Beach has outraged environmentalists and surfers who frequent Trestles, one of California’s most rippable waves. Surfrider Foundation reported that the Transportation Corridor Agency (TCA) recently held a “special meeting” approving plans to build the State Route 241 Tesoro Extension, a five mile toll road that would go over a huge portion of the San Onofre State Beach and connect with the I-5 near Trestles. This is the same road that was rejected by the California Coastal Commission and the Bush Administration in 2008 because of its devastating impacts to the environment, San Onofre State Beach and cultural resources. Tesoro Corporation is an independent refiner and marketer of petroleum products.
The Surfrider Foundation, thousands of community members and surfers around the world have been protesting this for years, in part through the “Save Trestles” campaign. As Surfer Magazine reported, “by voting in secrecy, the TCA has contradicted its earlier assertions that the group would always allow for public participation in any future decisions about the toll road project… Apparently that courtesy has been revoked.”
Despite public outrage and protests in 2008 when the plan was first announced, the TCA held a meeting last Friday and voted on their own without notifying anyone. Even though it was announced to the community in summer 2012 by TCA’s Environmental Director Valarie Mcfall that there would be a lengthy process to allow public opinions, they have clearly changed their minds and are continuing with their plan without any civic say in the decision.
“Trestles is the last clean watershed in Southern California… because there is no development anywhere,” said CEO and Founder of the Surfrider Foundation, Jim Moriarty. “It’s a State Park, as well.”
According to, the Tesoro Extension is an attempt “to improve mobility and reduce traffic congestion” on the I-5 freeway, a frequented transit for San Diego and Orange County residents. “There is a traffic problem that needs a solution.”
If you are troubled by the behavior of the TCA taking matters into their own hands and building over the San Onofre State Beach, send them an email with your thoughts on this issue. This is the time for the surfing community to stand up for these world class surf breaks and the Pacific coastline, and get our voices heard.
Send your email today to:
Click here to send a letter to the Regional Water Quality Control Board urging them to deny TCA’s application for an environmental permit. Surfrider Foundation needs your help to remind the TCA (and decision makers) that the public doesn’t want their destructive toll road.
You can also use the power of social media to help spread the word. Share these graphics and support Surfrider Foundation:
- Share the graphic on your Instagram to save our break: #SaveTrestles @Surfrider @TheSurfChannel. Graphic by Dilara Karabas/Surf Channel
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