
The Inertia

It’s spring time. And while skiiers and snowboarders everywhere are counting down their final laps of the season if they haven’t hung it up already, big mountain snowboard pioneer Jeremy Jones is working hard to ensure future generations are able to pursue such passions, too.

On Thursday, Jones testified before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce’s Subcommittee on Digital Commerce and Consumer Protection about the impact of climate change on the winter recreation industry. The title of the hearing “Outdoor Recreation: Vast Impact of the Great Outdoors,” is demonstrative of Congress’ recognition that the outdoor industry is of economic import to the nation. Indeed, the hearing briefing references an Outdoor Foundation report quantifying the amount Americans spend on outdoor recreation at about $887 billion per year.

Jeremy testifies at about 46:30 in the video above, and speaks to why he founded Protect Our Winters, and the observations he’s made over the course of his lifetime that are indicative of climate change’s impact on the winter recreation industry.

Jeremy’s joined by a number of experts including Amy Roberts, Executive Director of the Outdoor Industry Association; Marc Berejka, Director of Government and Community Affairs at REI; and others.


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