After Hurricane Irene made landfall on the East Coast, the damage was almost unbelievable. Estimates range from $7 billion to $14 dollars, most likely proving to be one of the 1o costliest disasters in US history. Irene flooded crops, cut off the flow of electricity to much of the eastern seaboard, and kept tourists out of the area in what is usually a profitable time of year. “I think this is going to end up being a bigger event than people think it is,” said Connecticut’s governor Dannel P. Malloy, at a news conference. “All of this is massive in scope. What the final dollar amount is, I don’t know.”
As of Tuesday, more than 260 roads and 30 bridges remain at least partially closed. New-Jersey based photographer Ryan Struck was there to capture the devastation.
To see more of Ryan’s work, check out RyanStruck.com or TheNewSurf.com