Editor at Everup

The Inertia

“Incredible close encounter when orcas dive under the Fast Raft in Monterey Bay and humpbacks slash their tail flukes at the predators. This interaction went on for about 45 minutes as up to 11 agitated humpbacks swarmed the area where the family of killer whales were finishing off a sea lion carcass.”

Yep, that is not something you read every day. Kate Spencer, a naturalist for Fast Raft Ocean Safaris was out for a tour in Monterey Bay Sanctuary off the coast of central California this past Sunday when she and her passengers captured the amazing footage.

With engines shut off, the sightseers were gifted with the rare occurrence as humpbacks trumpeted dangerously close to the boat as they focused on a family of killer whales. Let’s make note of one rather important fact: killer whales do not have natural predators. We’re not sure what exactly preceded and ultimately led to this encounter, but killer whales do occasionally target whale calves, attacks which larger humpbacks counter by slashing their tales at the predators.

The smartest (or, at the very least, most relatable) moment was when Spencer talked a little sense to her crew at the 1:45 mark: “I’m starting to think of backing out of here.”


But then her intrepid passengers figured they would prefer to stay where they were. And that the whales were “aware” of them. (This is after an initial outburst imploring her to leave.) Not sure that makes all that much of a difference to anxious animals engaged in a heated stand-off. If it were us, we’d have you listen to your instincts, captain.



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