Photo / Design: Arnold Worldwide and Cream Studios

Conserving and protecting our oceans and coasts requires grassroots advocacy and full engagement in the political process. While the lists of challenges facing our oceans is long, the potential solutions are relatively well-known.
However, securing the strong policy changes needed to achieve these solutions requires leadership and support from elected officials. Building this political will requires a strategic effort among ocean lovers, ocean conservation groups, and elected officials.
At a recent panel discussion in Los Angeles hosted by the Environmental Media Association, experts in ocean policy, advocacy, and grassroots organizing addressed how political hardball can save our oceans and coasts. Their collective conclusion was that only by fully participating in the political process can we achieve lasting victories to secure the health of our oceans.
Watch the full discussion featuring: Salud Carbajal Angela Howe, Esq., Dr. David Wilmot, Ph.D., and moderated by Ashlan Cousteau.