These are the most dangerous animals in the world. They kill millions each year. And outside the cage, sharks swim peacefully. Photo: Shutterstock

A new podcast is creating a scientific niche in the steadily growing surf podasphere. The Surf Simply podcast, hosted by myself, Harry Knight and Asher King is taking the usual surf news and banter and adding a twist of scientifically informed research that will appeal more to surf geeks and surfer dudes.
We’ve produced informational podcasts debunking Malcolm Gladwell’s 10,000 hour myth and why it’s important for surf coaching kids, we’ve broken down how understanding the neurology of practice can help your tube riding, and here we get together to speak with prominent shark researcher, Derek Burkholder. It’s a chat about the significance of Mick Fanning’s encounter and what science really tells us about these amazing animals.
Editor’s Note: Subscribe to The Surf Simply Podcast via iTunes/iPhone, Stitcher or at SurfSimply.com/Podcast