This is “An Invitation” from Save The Waves Coalition.
First, let’s define a wave: from the perspective of those who experience it, the purpose it serves, and the feelings it evokes. How it looks, sounds, and moves. How it behaves. How it awes, and inspires, and delights us. How it holds the power to utterly transform us.
Let’s give voice to the reasons waves are special, treasured, cherished, adored. Let’s explain why they’re vital. The truths about why we worship at their altar. Let’s explore this elemental, fundamental part of our lives. A reflection of unexpected, surprising, taken-for-granted truths about the simple, awesome thing that is a wave.
We speak from the perspective of surfers and non-surfers alike. From that of naturalists, conservationists, and environmentalists. From nature lovers and ocean lovers. From young and old. Scaled and finned. From all over the oceans, all around the globe.
Let’s capture the inexpressible, magical power of the wave, and touch, in everyone, the place where these sentiments reside. Let’s show them just how to help keep waves protected, for now and for the future. Please accept this invitation to join us at savethewaves.org
Creative Director: Cathy Campbell. Writer: MJ Deery. Producer: Dalia Burde / Avocados & Coconuts.
More films at: www.youtube.com/savethewaves