Environmental Director, Surfrider Foundation

The Inertia

2017 promises to be one of the most important in the Surfrider Foundation’s 32-year history. More than ever, our coasts are under threat from pollution, development, energy projects, overfishing and climate change. Meanwhile, changes in our nation’s political leadership – including an incoming President who has pledged to roll back environmental protections – present direct challenges to both the health and access to our ocean, its waves, and our beaches.

With all those battles in mind, here are Surfrider Foundation’s top priorities for 2017:

1. Stop new offshore oil drilling off U.S. coastlines. 

For decades, Surfrider Foundation chapters have worked to protect the Atlantic, Pacific, and Eastern Gulf of Mexico from oil and gas development. Now, while expecting the incoming administration to propose new offshore drilling, we are doubling down on our efforts to ensure that new oil rigs will never be approved in U.S. waters. We will advocate for local government resolutions that demand our federal government protects our coastlines from offshore drilling and seismic testing. We will organize Hands Across the Sand and other events and rallies to educate communities about the dangers of offshore drilling. Finally, we will take our message to Washington D.C. this May to meet with over 50 congressional offices, ensuring that our voice is heard at the highest levels of government.

2. Defend our nation’s exisiting environmental laws that protect the coast. 

As federal leaders move forward with efforts to weaken our environmental laws, Surfrider’s grassroots network will stand up to defend our coasts and ocean from these attacks. Surfrider will continue to fight for the BEACH Act, a law we helped pass in 2000, to protect the public health of beachgoers. We will work with a diverse coalition to defend EPA’s Clean Water Rule that protects the water quality of streams, lakes, and our ocean. We will work to advance the National Ocean Policy at the regional and local level even if it is rolled back by the next administration. We will fight to protect coastal preservation and climate change policies at the national and state levels. Finally, our network will participate in project permitting from coast to coast to ensure that existing environmental protections are fully exercised in the review of proposed development.

3. Keep plastic pollution out of marine environments.

Plastic pollution is one of the greatest threats to the health of our ocean ecosystems. An estimated 250,000 tons of plastic is already floating in the ocean, causing devastating impacts to marine life. In the coming year, Surfrider chapters will continue to advocate for local and state laws that keep plastic bags, cigarette butts, styrofoam and other forms of plastic trash out of the environment. We will also defend existing policies from attacks, including last year’s plastic bag ban in New York City. Through our Ocean Friendly Restaurants program, we will certify hundreds of restaurants and help to ensure millions of plastics-free meals. Finally, our grassroots network will lead or participate in over 1,000 local cleanups at beaches and parks to remove more than 100,000 pounds of trash and educate communities about the impacts of plastic pollution.

4. Help our coasts adapt to the impacts of climate change

Climate change is already causing major impacts to our coasts and ocean. Sea level rise, beach erosion and ocean acidification are among the threats that we must plan for to protect our natural shorelines and communities. Through our coastal preservation initiative, we will work to influence policy at the local, state and national levels to improve how coastal areas are managed and developed. Surfrider advocates for beaches to remain naturally intact without excessive shoreline development that leads to armoring (seawalls etc.). We also support the global movement to reduce carbon and other greenhouse gas-causing emissions that are root causes of these impacts. While climate change is a daunting issue, we can advance adaptation measures that will make an enormous difference down the road.

5. Promote beach access for all people. 

Surfrider is dedicated to the idea that our beaches should be open and accessible to all people. In the coming year, Surfrider will wage over 15 campaigns in 10 different states to protect and enhance public access to our nation’s shorelines. These efforts will leverage local outreach and advocacy along with legal strategies supported by our headquarters in San Clemente, CA. Meanwhile, our chapters and youth clubs will work to promote beach access to underserved communities through programs, events, and partnerships. Our goal is to enable over 5,000 beach visits in 2017 from participants who may not otherwise have the opportunity to visit the coast.

6. Grow the coastal advocacy movement to meet the challenges of a new era

Surfrider won a record 61 victories last year, but the threats on the horizon demand that we expand upon our network of  80 chapters, 60 youth clubs, and 500,000 supporters, activists and members. In the coming year we seek to grow our coalition of thousands of recreational businesses and groups that are engaged in Surfrider advocacy from coast to coast. Our chapters, meanwhile, will continue to advance coastal stewardship through partnership building and outreach in their communities. Surfrider believes that the issues we fight for – clean water, ocean health, coastal access – are not partisan issues, but priorities that should be embraced by all community interests.

Editor’s Note: View the Surfrider Foundation’s full list of campaigns here. You can also join and take action to protect our ocean, waves & beaches at surfrider.org/


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