Planting a tree is a great way to celebrate Earth day. Photo: Noah Buscher//Unsplash

Today is arguably the most important day of the year. It’s Earth Day. Earth Day was created in 1970 as a way to educate the public and spread awareness about environmental issues. Over one billion people participate in Earth Day activities each year. The theme for 2023 is ‘Invest in our Planet’ and is focused on inspiring people to take action in their local communities. At a loss for what to do this Earth Day? Here are five simple ways you can celebrate our planet.
Plant a Tree
Planting a tree is a classic way to celebrate Earth Day. And for good reason. Trees remove carbon dioxide from the air and release oxygen. They also capture rainwater, which can help reduce the risk of natural disasters like floods and landslides. Trees can also serve as a home for hundreds of species of insects, fungi, moss, mammals, and plants.
Ditch the Car
In order to operate, cars require fuel and emit carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, leaving a hefty carbon footprint in their wake. To minimize your impact on the environment, try walking or riding a bike. If you’re traveling further, try taking public transportation or carpooling.
Use a Reusable Water Bottle
Recycling is great, but reusing is even better. Go out and purchase a reusable water bottle this Earth Day and carry it with you for years to come, saving hundreds of plastic bottles in the process. Plus, carrying a reusable bottle could inspire you to drink more water. A win-win.
Volunteer at an Earth Day Beach Cleanup
On Earth Day, numerous non-profits and local communities host beach cleanups. Plastic poses a huge threat to marine life, and thousands of marine species are threatened by plastic pollution each year. While you’re picking up trash, keep an eye out for microplastics (small plastic pieces) as they are commonly and easily ingested by marine organisms.
Learn About Real Environmental Problems
You’ve heard the old adage, knowledge is power. Learning about environmental issues is the first step towards solving them. Learn about local and widespread issues and brainstorm small steps you can take towards being a solution to the problem.