One of those sights that will never get old. Photo: Chris Dodds

“If the 20th Century was focused on exploration of our frontiers in space, the 21st Century will be about a frontier much closer to home; our vast, largely unexplored oceans.” Those words of Jenny Krusoe, Executive Director of AltaSea, speak to an evolving curiosity about the natural world and an acknowledgment that most of our ocean is still untouched.
The oceans hold 97% of the Earth’s water, covering more than 72% of its surface, and providing billions of people across the world with animal protein. The ocean is beautiful, inspiring, and not to mention, home to more than 200,000 different species.
Meanwhile, the ocean is at risk thanks to climate change, pollution, and an increasing demand for its valuable resources. Inextricably connected, as our ocean becomes more and more at risk, humanity also becomes threatened. The ocean is our lifeblood, providing us with oxygen, food, and water. It plays a vital role in maintaining our climate. Simply put, if our ocean is in danger, so are we.
On March 28-29, the Rising Tide summit will bring together some of the most innovative thinkers and business leaders to create solutions for this problem that aren’t just possible but are critical to sustaining life as we know it. For two days, we will feature keynote speakers, workshops, and projects geared to deliver solutions to protect the world’s most precious and vast resource.
Discussions will include:
-Making the Golden State Blue, with AltaSea Executive Director Jenny Krusoe and CEO Tim McOsker
-Launching a Mobile Age for the Ocean Economy, with Matthew Mulrennan, Director of the Ocean Initiative of XPRIZE Foundation
-Conscious Capitalism: How Clean Water and Healthy Beaches Drive Our Economy, with Chad Nelsen, CEO of Surfrider Foundation
-Helping the Siren Find Its Voice, with Dune Ives, Executive Director of Lonely Whale Foundation
-Changing the Narrative to Solve Climate Change, with Kevin Whilden, Co-Founder of Sustainable Surf
-Age of Activism: Rise of Brand Citizenship, with Jim Moriarty, Director of Brand Citizenship of 72 and Sunny
-Global Youth Movement to Stop Plastic Pollution, with Katie Allen, Executive Director, Algalita
-Getting from Conservation to Commercialization: Creating the Business Case for Ocean Innovation, with Ann Carpenter, CEO of Braid Theory
-How Political Hardball Can Save The Ocean, with Fred Keeley, Former California Assembly Member and Dr. David Wilmot, Co-Founder of Ocean Champions
-Spark Magic in Your Team, Brand and Cause, with John Guastaferro of CFRE
By coming together we can make waves, advancing each and every step until we achieve the ocean conservation efforts we so desperately need. By attending this event you don’t only contribute to creating real change right now, but you gain the knowledge necessary to empower your everyday decisions. When we join together, we can preserve our planet’s most precious resource: its ocean.
Note: You can learn more about the Rising Tide Summit and register here.